Rules for Spaghetti PZ Servers

All rules are subject to change.

Home || Overall Rules || Bolognese || Arrabiata

Article A01

- Arrabiata is a Pure PvE server. This means players should not be stealing from each other. Please work together to achieve your goals.

- If you come across an old base or abandoned car, make sure they are truly abandoned. Scope them out over the course of a few weeks. You could also leave a note to check for activity. The original owner may have had to step away for IRL reasons. Take a moment to think about how you would feel if the same happened to you.

Article A02

- Players can have 2 characters on Arrabiata.

Article A03

- Residential buildings can be claimed as Safehouses. However, this cannot be mixed use buildings. Any shop, bar, restaurant etc that has a Residential area is not to be claimed. Any player found doing this will be asked to move out. Failure to do so will result in any loot stored being deleted.

Article A04

- DO NOT destroy loot containers. This ruins the game for everyone. These actions are logged. Players breaking this rule will be receive 1 warning before a ban.

Article A05

- DO NOT remove engine parts from vehicles in the wild. These items can be bought from the Arrabiata Market Hub. These actions are logged. Players breaking this rule will be receive 1 warning before a ban.

Article A06

- DO NOT drop items from loot containers on the floor. This drastically affects server performance and all items will be deleted. Leave the loot for another player to find, there are plenty of places to find the things you need and loot respawns. Players breaking this rule will be receive 1 warning before a ban.

Article A07

- Players may 'own' up to 20 vehicles. Vehicles are a finite resource and new players will not stay on a server if they cannot find one early after spawning.

- There is no claim system on Arrabiata, so to keep vehicles 'safe' store them inside Safehouse zones. If you need your Safehouse expanded to include a parking area please use a Support Ticket.

- This a hard limit to allow for players to collect vehicles for repair and mechanics training. Once you have repaired a vehicle it must be traded, gifted to another player, or taken back into the world so that another player may find it.

- This rule will be applied at staff discretion. Failure to comply with their instructions will result in a warning.

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Stay Safe!